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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/2017 in Posts

  1. If this post isn't acceptable. Feel free to contact me and notify me and delete it. Hello 15th MEU Milsim Unit, Excuse me for being a little person. But, I've been playing with you guys for a really long time. Oh god, since ArmA 2 back when I first started watching Drumheller on Youtube. I've always wanted to join the military for as long as I can remember. And finding a group of people like you guys/girls was great. It was pretty neat finding so many people that played ArmA the way it was intended. And bring in the immersion and realism at the same time having fun. Years went on. And I've made some friends in the 15th. And have came across from cool people to operate with and laugh and joke around with. Even find some glitches in ArmA 2. (Moore you know what I'm talking about LOL.) This was all back when I was younger and I'm still playing ArmA with you people. As the years went on, I debated on joined the unit and eventually did for a short amount of time. But had to leave due to getting a new job and ending up missing the operations and training's. But I still stuck around and fucked shit up on the public server. It was a fun learning experience with all the mods. Thank god for basic medic ACE3 feature. Cause if we used advanced medical I'd be fucked. Years went by and I bounced around other units trying to find one to join. Mainly smaller SOF units. But I stayed loyal and kept slaying with you guys. Some of the units I was with folded and the players dispersed. Some are still going, some I just stopped playing with due to the people in the unit. But I always came home to the 15th. But now to get the main point of the post your reading. In the last few years, like the last 5 or 6 years. I've been dealing with depression among other things. If anyone else has been down this road. You know it's a bumpy one, and writing this post isn't a cry for help. But more like a thank you post. I was never a popular one in school, public and highschool. Not even in Army Cadets, not sure what it could be compared to in the states. But it's some extra community type thing. I spent 7 years in that organization. From being green to climbing to Sargent, leading my own sections (squads) and also being a 2IC. But I had a small group of friends in there. And soon ended up meeting WhiskeyVictor. Who you'll see me with a lot on the public server. We became bestfriends, brothers. But deep down inside I was still hurting, still depressed and as the years went on it became worse. Grew distant from the people I went to school with and with the people I attended Cadets with. Soon enough I found myself having thoughts of ending my life cause I was so alone, but I wouldn't talk about it to anyone. And if you ever played with me on the public server. I bet you would have never guessed it. So I would like to take the time and thank everyone in the unit. The people who started the unit. The people who run it, who makes the missions for the public server, absolutely everyone. Because without finding the 15th MEU Milsim Unit, and making the friends I have now. And laughing my ass off and getting my game face on with. And feeling like I belong somewhere. I probably wouldn't be here today. So thank you. See you on the field. M.Odell OscarMike
    1 point
  2. Underneath this in my .arma3profile it has all my controls laid out onto each keyboard button/mouse button in number format.....example: keySwimUp[]={45}; keySwimDown[]={44}; keyAdjust[]={29}; keyMoveForward[]={17,200}; keyMoveBack[]={31,208}; keyTurnLeft[]={30,203};
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