Approved by the Command Staff, Effective 17NOV19
Promoted to the rank of Captain (Capt)
1stLt De Munck
Promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant In Training (2ndLt(T))
SNA Tesla, B
Promoted to the rank of Hospital Corpsman First Class (HM1)
HM2 (FMF) Bashore, S
Promoted to the rank of Hospital Corpsman Second Class (HM2)
HM3 (FMF) Genge, C
Promoted to the rank of Lance Corporal (LCpl)
PFC Akif, I
PFC Dague, B
PFC Rawson, J
PFC Siebert, E
PFC Welch, A. N.
PFC Wettlaufer, J
Promoted to the rank of Hospitalman (HN)
HA Najail, J
Promoted to the rank of Private First Class (PFC)
Pvt Shackleford, R