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15th MEU (SOC) Official Public Server Information

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15th MEU (SOC) Realism Unit Public Server Information


Server Name: 15th MEU (SOC) [Official] - Public Liberation Server [ACE] [RHS] [ACRE]


Password: none


IP Address:

Direct Connect


This Thread Last Updated: 26MAY19




Please use the Arma 3 Launcher to download and enable the required mods when joining the public server.


Public Server Mods

Mod List | Steam Collection | Downloadable Preset


Approved Client-Side Mods

Mod List | Steam Collection | Downloadable Preset

You may use any mod of your choosing from the approved client-side mods in addition to the public server mods.


You will not be able to connect to the server with any other mods loaded.





Color Codes:

Green = Working, minimal bugs
Orange =  Some bugs, still playable
Red = Unavailable DO NOT LOAD

Magenta = Alpha/Beta Release, untested


ArmA 3 Public Server Missions:



Altis Liberation

Malden Liberation

Takistan Liberation

Chernarus Liberation

Sahrani Liberation

Lingor Liberation
Isla Abramia Liberation





If you experience an issue or bug on the server, please fill out the form linked below.


Public Server Help Form


If you have an armory request (addition of items), please fill out the form below.


Public Server Armory Request


If you would like to request that a certain mod be added, please fill out the form below.


Public Server Mod Request



Radio Information


PRC-343:  The primary radio for squad level coordination in the 15th MEU is the PRC-343 PRR. This radio operates in the 2.4GHz range using frequency hopping and is extremely secure, but is not capable of cross-talk with VHF/UHF radios like the PRC-152 and 117. The maximum effective range of the PRC-343 is between 500m and 1km depending on terrain line-of-sight. The PRC-343 has 16 blocks of 16 unlabeled channels available.


PRC-152:  The primary radio for higher level coordination in the 15th MEU is the PRC-152, which shares the same Software Communications Architecture as the PRC-117, as well as a shared programming personality. The maximum effective range of the PRC-152 is between 5 and 15 km depending on terrain, obstructions, frequency, and atmospheric conditions. Information on the most useful channels programmed in the SCA template is available below. The full list is available here.

Chan Name Purpose
SCA 01 MCALL Hailing/Common
SCA 10 I CO India Company Main (GCE Primary)
SCA 50 ARMOR Armor Coordination
SCA 55 FO 55 Artillery Calls For Fire
SCA 80 TAD 80 Primary Air-to-Ground
SCA 92 CTAF 1 ATC Air Traffic Advisory
SCA 95 AIRSPC Primary Air-to-Air
SCA 99 GUARD UHF Emergency / SAR Channel



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Liberation Revision 6.0 released to server:


Templates included:








  • Loading image updated
  • Rule sign updated
  • Stringtable updated to R6.0.
  • Woodland preset recreated and updated.
  • Presets selected between DES and WDL per mission.
  • Fixed init_presets.sqf throwing errors for missing class references in OPFOR infantry.
  • Fixed popup message about no entry for widthRailWay caused by missing value in standard_controls.hpp
  • Tanks classnames corrected to MEU tanks.
  • S1 Recruiting Detachment sign added, buildable objects for S1RD and Rules signs added to build menu.
  • Helicopter start spawn locations and systems fixed to reduce exploding/disappearing helicopters on carrier/at start base.


R5.1 will be removed from the server on next restart. Future template changes should be made to R6.0 templates.



S1 RECRUITING DETACHMENT SIGN is a buildable item under the Buildings tab of the Build menu. This sign will lose its texture on mission restart/refresh or server restart. 15th members should take care that the old is recycled and a new sign placed at active FOBs for visibility. Thank you for participating in recruiting efforts with that small task.


A small 1m/0.5m server rules sign has also been added through the same utility. This can be spawned if needed for reference, and is also subject to the same loss of texture on mission refresh.




Edited by 1stLt H. Taylor
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Kujari released to server at v0.963 R6.0. as above. First playing release.


Kujari to be added to server modlist, page references, and steam collection.

Edited by 1stLt H. Taylor
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Posting on behalf of @1stLt De MunckMunck so it's not on a perishable chat board and I remember it:


"The Fuel Crate at the Op base on Kujari is a little too close to the other two crates which causes it to explode upon interaction. Could you guys please fix this @S4 Mission"


Will be corrected next release.

Edited by 1stLt H. Taylor
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Liberation v0.963 R6.1

  • Missed copy error causing Black Wasp to be available for purchase in place of AV8B corrected.
  • Debug console removed.

Kujari Liberation

  • ACE RRR boxes relocated to other side of wall and spaced for safety.
  • Vehicle respawn tweaked.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...



Liberation v0.963 R6.2

  • Added new variants of new vics from the RHS update
  • Overwork of the equipment whitelist for new gear from the RHS update

Two New Liberation Maps


In the case that you encounter a DLC missing kick make sure you have all maps downloaded.
Repair your old Maps, Unsup and Resup.

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Liberation Maps

  • Angola : Deadscreen Kick Fixed, Performance Optimizations
  • Isla Abramia : House Fixes, Unit Spawn area Moved 


In the case that you encounter a DLC missing kick make sure you have all maps downloaded.
Repair your old Maps, Unsup and Resup.

Edited by PFC Akuna
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  • 4 months later...




All Liberation Missions have had their player template updated to support the ace update. All units are now set as a doctor to solve the inability to push fluids, check pulse, and check blood pressure.

The M1240A1 M-ATV Desert and Woodland has been added to the respective maps while the army variant has been removed.

Adjusted the OPFOR infantry presets so there should be more rifleman than machine gunners.


Mission version changed to V6.4

Edited by GySgt T. Caron
spelling is hard
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  • 1 month later...





Arsenal changed from full to whitelist with only blufor, limited greenfor, and limited vanilla assets to prevent misidentification of friendly forces. - Credit J. Lane
Misc Syntax errors fixed - Credit J. Lane
Vehicles purchase list updated to include M-ATV, M-ATV Socom variants, and the CH-53 GAU21.
Lowered resource costs for various vehicles.
CH-53 GAU21 Added to all maps via the carrier or land bases
Fixed Crate placement for the CH-53 -Credit N. Harrison
Updated Journal Public Rules, Teamspeak information, and Misc information.
Updated the Recruiting sign with the proper ranks and names. - Credit B. D. Stewart

Changed versions to be uniform and match the newest update.

Removed VCOM as it was bugging out the vanilla AI (expect grenades and rpgs now)



Changed version to R6.5



Issues that we're aware of:


Sign text doesn't currently match, fixed with next update.

Boxes clip inside of each other when loaded into the CH-53, workaround is them glitching into the top of the rear compartment.


Edited by GySgt T. Caron
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  • 1 month later...





With this version update we decided it was better to start with a fresh copy of Liberation and modify it once again to our needs.
I cannot give enough credit to @Cpl J. Lane for his work on this matter.




Spare Barrel
8 Point Woodland and Desert
M1045A2 (M220A2/Snorkel), M1123 (4D/Open/Snorkel), and M1078A1R SOV (M2)
MI-28 Havoc Helicopter
Mi-8MTV3 Cargo Helicopter




ENVG-2 from the arsenal




Version 7.1 to 8

Complete rewrite or improvement of various sections of base liberation code. Credit: Cpl J. Lane
3CB SU-25 and MiG-29 switched back to RHS Grey/Camo variants




Garbage collector running improperly
Blufor on Takistan now have desert camo for their vehicles
All planes will now spawn in the air instead of in trees or on roads




We have also changed the way the arsenal and arsenal boxes work. We are now using the default Liberation arsenal which means it will be a scroll wheel instead of an ace interact. This change was made because previously we were altering how a large section of the scripts and code were being originally intended to be used. This will keep down on errors and hopefully lead to better server performance.

Edited by GySgt T. Caron
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  • 6 months later...

Release 10 was created earlier today. It should be deployed to the Public Server with the next server restart.



  • Two AAVP-7A1s added to each starting base.
  • A number of 3CB Factions uniforms are now available, including:
    • Afghan Defense Ministry
    • Afghan Border Patrol
    • Afghan National Army
    • Afghan National Police
    • Takistan Police
    • Takistan Army
  • Up Armored HMMWVs (UAH) released in RHS 0.5.3 added to the build menu:
    • M1151 with M2, Mk19, and M240
    • M1152 and resupply vehicle (RSV) variant
    • M1165
  • Laser designator batteries added to the arsenal.


  • Updated static map markers with current TeamSpeak URL: ts3.15thmeu.net.
  • Updated the recruitment and rules billboards—thanks to @1stLt H. Taylor for the graphics).


  • M998 and M1232 removed from the Takistan starting base.
  • Build menu M1025s replaced by the UAH M1151s.
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  • 1 month later...

Release 11 was deployed to the public server yesterday.



  • Updated custom arsenal preset:
    • Added ASP-1 KIR rifles and magazines
    • Added MG3 magazines
  • CH-53E cargo and GAU21 variants added to Liberation transport vehicle configuration. This should reveal the resource crate actions to load and unload when near these airframes.


  • Replaced AV-8B with the F-35B VMFA-211 in the build menu.


  • CH-53E GAU21 desert variant classname now used in desert preset.
  • 15th 2
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  • 10 months later...

Couched in, been a little while since I haunted any A3+LIB servers. The last time I experimented with the idea, I was running with an F-35B platform without many difficulties; it was functional, a bit buggy in spots, pylons not appearing and what not, but it was at least functional, that I could tell, in the ways that mattered.


Finding with the F/A-18E however, the targeting system is whacked. 1. cannot really tell where the sights are directed. 2. there are no IR sights, but maybe that is a server config thing. 3. the laser does not stay up; I set it and find my target, but when I cycle to the desired weapon, the laser was dropped, so I lose my targeting. 4. and in one instance, I found my pylons somehow lost their loadout entirely, in spite of the fact I set it up and verified in the service menu. Plus with the 35B, the stall speed is so low, it's amazingly easy to maneuver, even SVTOL carrier landing.


I get it, F-18 is popular, and with recent media exposure, of course. Similarly, F-35 not so much, with some of the more recent issues. But why not stick with an old reliable workhorse, at least as far as the server goes, the AV-8B Harrier II.


Anywho, that's my two cents, feedback FWIW. HTH.


Good luck, good hunting!

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54 minutes ago, Capt. M. W. Powell 22nd MEU said:

Couched in, been a little while since I haunted any A3+LIB servers. The last time I experimented with the idea, I was running with an F-35B platform without many difficulties; it was functional, a bit buggy in spots, pylons not appearing and what not, but it was at least functional, that I could tell, in the ways that mattered.


Finding with the F/A-18E however, the targeting system is whacked. 1. cannot really tell where the sights are directed. 2. there are no IR sights, but maybe that is a server config thing. 3. the laser does not stay up; I set it and find my target, but when I cycle to the desired weapon, the laser was dropped, so I lose my targeting. 4. and in one instance, I found my pylons somehow lost their loadout entirely, in spite of the fact I set it up and verified in the service menu. Plus with the 35B, the stall speed is so low, it's amazingly easy to maneuver, even SVTOL carrier landing.


I get it, F-18 is popular, and with recent media exposure, of course. Similarly, F-35 not so much, with some of the more recent issues. But why not stick with an old reliable workhorse, at least as far as the server goes, the AV-8B Harrier II.


Anywho, that's my two cents, feedback FWIW. HTH.


Good luck, good hunting!


What do you mean by a "sight" ? Do you mean the camera or the reticle within the cockpit? The camera definitely has IR. 


Similarly, I've never had the issue you describe with the laser. The 18 does have a much narrower angle with which to spot the laser, maybe try to make sure you're approaching the target head on at a proper angle. This would be an especially big shift for individuals who only use the APKWS missiles which are overpowered and essentially able to turn on a dime. I recommend not using those and instead learning how to use bombs like the GBU-12 if that's the issue.


The pylon losing loadout thing is well documented. You just need to double check that the loadout is really loaded before takeoff, there isn't any fix I've found. 


FWIW, we swapped to the 18 because the "amazingly easy" maneuverability of the F35 is incredibly overpowered. The AV8 was likewise very overpowered, although admittedly less so as the AV8 is just slower and lacks the organic stealth stat of the 35.


The F-18 mod we use is more challenging sure if you only used the other aircraft as overpowered death machines, but it's more fun too if you know what you're doing.

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4 hours ago, Capt. M. W. Powell 22nd MEU said:

Couched in, been a little while since I haunted any A3+LIB servers. The last time I experimented with the idea, I was running with an F-35B platform without many difficulties; it was functional, a bit buggy in spots, pylons not appearing and what not, but it was at least functional, that I could tell, in the ways that mattered.


Finding with the F/A-18E however, the targeting system is whacked. 1. cannot really tell where the sights are directed. 2. there are no IR sights, but maybe that is a server config thing. 3. the laser does not stay up; I set it and find my target, but when I cycle to the desired weapon, the laser was dropped, so I lose my targeting. 4. and in one instance, I found my pylons somehow lost their loadout entirely, in spite of the fact I set it up and verified in the service menu. Plus with the 35B, the stall speed is so low, it's amazingly easy to maneuver, even SVTOL carrier landing.


I get it, F-18 is popular, and with recent media exposure, of course. Similarly, F-35 not so much, with some of the more recent issues. But why not stick with an old reliable workhorse, at least as far as the server goes, the AV-8B Harrier II.


Anywho, that's my two cents, feedback FWIW. HTH.


Good luck, good hunting!

Being the one who oversees the F/A-18F in the 15th and have flown regularly with the E variant on the public server I know of the issues you speak of and I will be able to give you some tips and tricks to work around them for a more enjoyable flight.

Though first I want to say that the F/A-18 mod wasn't choosen to replace the F35 because of its popularity or the media attention it gains around the world or the lack thereof in the F35s case. Popularity is subjective. As the good Major Caesar pointed out were that the Firewill F35 were incredibly overpowered in near everything it did with even a brand new arma pilot and it was insanely hard to be countered against during our official missions because of the stealth capabilities.
The F/A-18 was choosen because it provides a more balanced platform both for ACE and more importantly Zeus. For ACE it puts the skill required to operate back to the pilots and it gives more breathing room to zeus operators who have the tool to keep a 18 on its toes. As for the issues you are experiencing. It's mostly down to the E variant. Details below;

Targeting Whacked

  • While the F is worse the E to has issue displaying the triangle or square on the RWR because of its sensors are more directed the further the distance to the target. As you get closer to each other they appear more consistently.
    In short you have to use your speed to get in closer to the target and dodge anything they throw at you at the same time. I'd advice an about 60-70 degree angle toward them. Head on can lead to a mission to the face


  • The sights are off by default. You can turn them inside the cockpit on the very top left. There is two buttons called "A/A" and "A/G". If you mean that it has no IR sights with the A/A missiles then those will appear with the A/A and if you have those missiles selected.


Laser turns off

  • This is a E variant bug. I know what you mean and for what I know of it you cant fix it. When I fly the E varient in the public serverI don't use any laser guided munitions. I use 500 Ib Mk82 dumb bombs and AGM-65Gs
    If there is a F variant in the server then we can use the E2 with the WSO. But as for laser guided bombs I'd suggest avoiding those entirely as they are RHS. We dont have Firewill weapons on that server anymore and I've experienced RHS LGB constanting miss where my laser is pointing despite that the same bomb from AWS would had no problems. 


  • I'd advice using ACE to load the pylons. The service menu build into the 18 mod is questionable at best


The F/A-18 mod is very fragile and it is not uncommon that it breaks in some way shape or form beyond what you have experienced. Being editing by Zeus for example can completely make the pylons freak out.
 If you can use the F over the E. It is far less buggy. I hope the above provided some light to your questions. You can find me in teamspeak if you want more information or guidances

Edited by Maj D. Johansen
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  • 3 months later...

Release 16 is available and will be deployed to the public server at the earliest opportunity.


Special thanks to @ SNA Norwood  for their efforts in implementing a number of requested fixes and changes. Thanks to @ 1stLt Zahj  and his colleagues in ACE for their assistance with the FIR AWS munitions blacklist and testing for this release. 




  • FIR AWS support with Air Combat Element munitions blacklist on playable aircraft.
  • New maps:
    • Chenarus Winter
    • Virolahti


  • CBA setLoadout function patched into Liberation.
  • Recruitment and rules signs updated.
  • Lingor and Isla Abramia spawn locations reworked.
  • Liberation blacklist items adjusted. The following are now equipable:
    • optic_Nightstalker
    • optic_tws_mg
    • optic_tws
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