I've been struggling with the same mod issue for about a week now. Heres the low-down:
Whenever I join an official 15th MEU (SOC) server I get booted off because of a "Missing Server Addons:" warning for these following mods: ffaa_data, ffaa_ar_supercat, ffaa_lcm.
Here is a Screenshot of the Mods I am running as of 8/18/19.
And here is the latest image of the error I am receiving. Please disregard the topmost error, that is a flight-ops specific issue.
Heres what I know/assume:
I am able to make it to the role selection screen and green up, this indicates that it is not merely a bi-key/bisign issue.
I am able to connect to unofficial 15th servers such as, but not limited to: SOI Backup 1 & 2, Flight ops 1 & 2, Archer 1 Primary, Archer 2 Primary, Archer 3 Primary, Public Server. I see no obvious mod missing/added, everything seems to load fine and works smoothly.
After role selection, I am faced with a red box titled ACE Addon Error, Missing Addons.
I assume the issue is a result of the Lythium mod somehow, many different people have advised me as such.
Here's what I have attempted:
1. Re-joining the server
2. Re-launching Arma
3. Closing steam and Arma and re-launching
4. Unloading all Mods and joining via the launcher's browser
5. Restarting my Computer
6.. Removing the Lythium Mod
7.. Deleting all files in the Arma3/!Workshop/ folder and in the /AppData/ folders (roaming, local, and localLow) containing the keyphrase "ffaa" and trying steps 1-4 again.
8.. Verifying the integrity of Arma 3's files via Steam.
9.. Deleting all of my 15th steam collection workshop mods and re-installing them.
Note: There is currently no file with ffaa in its name on my desktop. I searched "This PC" for the keyphrase "ffaa" and it came up blank - Save for a windows backup, and anti-virus file.
Here's what I have not tried:
1. Deleting all mods in both local and workshop sections, and re-installing only the 15th Mod Pack.
2. Step 1 + Arma 3 Uninstall & Reinstall
I thoroughly appreciate any and all help I can get on this issue. My steam account is: https://steamcommunity.com/id/55236272234 Please message me here or there if you have any time to help/have any ideas.
TL;DR: Persistent Mod issues, tried almost everything, No file/mod exists in my computer which the server has the issue with.