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1stLt (Ret) C. Russell

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1stLt (Ret) C. Russell last won the day on September 14 2019

1stLt (Ret) C. Russell had the most liked content!


703 Excellent

15th MEU Personnel Profile

  • 1) School of Infantry
  • 2) Qualified MOS
    0311 Rifleman, 0302 Infantry Officer, 0365 Infantry Squad Leader, 0331 Machine Gunner
  • 3) Corporal's Courses
    CPLC 101, CPLC 102, CPLC 103
  • 4) Sergeant's Courses
    SGTC 201, SGTC 202, SGTC 203
  • 5) Staff NCO Academy
    SNCOA 301, SNCOA 302, SNCOA 303
  • 6) The Basic School
    TBS 401, TBS 402
  • 8) Auxiliary Qualifications
    CLSAMS, M32, Static Line Jump
  • 9) Date of Rank
  1. Your application may have gotten lost in the sea of many applications we get daily. Just post a "Bump" on your application after the first 48 hours is the general rule of thumb.
  2. What these fine gentlemen are trying to say is; we don't offer 0317 Scout Snipers. It is very much an ongoing meme
  3. Hello Saint, From what I understand of legal blindness, you still have some kind of vision. From what I can see from your spelling, I don't think you'd have too big of a problem fitting in here This is why we have our 4 day ITB training pipeline, for you to decide if you can play ArmA III in our manner of gameplay So give it a go anyway, sign up and go from there. I think the infantry has the best atmosphere for you, since you have more local communication and less stressful than other supporting elements in which you're a larger target, communication overcomes the biggest issues. https://15thmeu.net/index.php?/information-pages/records/joining-requirements/ These are our joining requirements otherwise, as long as you are confident you can play your role, you should be fine We've accommodated vocally mute people in the past to give perspective Not to mention the numerous amount of family-men and women
  4. Key is probably bound to engine on/off, I had this issue as well when messing with an MRAP in the editor ^^
  5. Ai hearing is an optional pbo in the task force radio folder It just isnt used on the servers (I think) so was most likely in your addons folder by mistake
  6. See your Recruiter, or log into teamspeak and look at the "recruiting detachment office" channel
  7. You can find a list of approved clientside mods here: http://15thmeu.net/index.php?/information-pages/records/approved-client-side-mods-r11/ Note: Only those who have completed RTC will have access to said link. This is why you need to check with your Recruiter and make sure your mods are going to work without error. For any other people checking this thread.
  8. Name (including initials): Russell, C. Rank: 1stLt Billet: 0302 Infantry Officer Section: Second Platoon, Echo Company Are you Game Admin Qualified: Silver Shield Additional Duties (S-Shops or Instructors): Recruiting Section Leader. Recruiting Detachment Processor. Quality Assurance Team. S-3 ITB Instructor. Link to SMF Profile: http://15thmeu.net/forums/index.php?action=profile;area=summary;u=30975
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