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About Lutman

  • Birthday 11/17/1998

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  1. Says that I'm still banned.
  2. I'd like to request an update on the status of my appeal, please.
  3. Of course. Whenever is convenient for you, assuming I'm online works for me.
  4. As I stated, it's very possible that I've confused Carr with someone else of a similar name. You'd have to ask Sgt Taylor or Pvt McLaughlin to see if they can corroborate the name. Apologies for the confusion.
  5. Gamer Name: Rct LutmanDate of Ban: 04/29/2018ArmA, Teamspeak, or Both?: ArmA 3, 15th MEU Public ServerArmA ID: 76561198168803397Reason for Ban: TeamkillComments: A few hours ago on the above listed date, Sgt H. Taylor administered to my person a ban in regards to an intentional blue-on-blue incident wherein I had shot Pvt Carr. I've yet to see the actual report of what transpired (even though I requested it), but to my intuition and common sense, it's my personal belief that the information relayed to the administrator who banned me was incomplete, incorrect, and potentially falsified in its nature. Aprox. a few hours ago on the above listed date, myself, frequent player Carter, and Pvt. McLaughlin (I apologize for the potential misspell of his name) were talking around the arsenal crate at FOB Echo in the public server. Pvt Carr was also there, and began to joke about the type of speech he'd give on the day of his graduation from some school (presumably regarding the 15th MEU) he'd give. He proceeded to the rooftop of the FOB building and began to give it. At some point moments later, he had asked us if we had wanted to see something, and I then heard what sounded like the pin being pulled on a nade. I shouted out to Carter and McLaughlin that he threw a nade, but Carr quickly interjected and stated that he had thrown a flare. (He did not.) Moments later, while we were still standing around the arsenal crate, a frag grenade went off. It instantaneously killed me, downed McLaughlin, and downed Carter. Carr had stated that it was an "accident" and that he didn't throw it in our direction, but there's no possibly way for the nade to have landed any other way to down all three of us. (It landed between us all.) I'll note at this point that Carr's general nature and dialogue had given myself reasonable suspicion to believe it was indeed intentional and he was not being truthful about it. I then re-spawned and shot Carr in the torso once with my sidearm. I will note that it did not kill him. Within seven seconds had I had been banned from the server. However, the individual whom initiated the blue-on-blue contact, intentionally, did not receive a ban, nor to my current knowledge, any disciplinary action. I was in the TS at the time, and the administrator whom banned me did not contact myself with any form of investigation or questioning in order to ascertain the full details of the events that transpired, something I personally believe to be someone not doing their job, as I had also attempted to contact others to assist me with getting information on my ban. I'm not going to point fingers and say that someone is covering for someone, but with two other individuals who can corroborate my story up until I was banned within a very reasonable margin, that's what it feels like. An important note is that I am nearly 90% sure that it was Pvt Carr who was responsible for the initiation of said events, I may be wrong in the person I am referring to. I would ask Sgt H. Taylor, Pvt. McLaughlin, or Carter if they can confirm whether it was this individual, or someone with a very similar name. I am aware it was wrong to tag a friendly player, but I will note it did NOT kill him. I will avoid such course of action in the future, but I would like to see this issue resolved.
  6. First Name: Seth Middle Initial: D Last Name: Lutman Age: 19 Desired Duty Assignment: 0311 Rifleman How long have you been playing ArmA III?: A few months, bordering on a year. Are you currently in an ArmA III gaming clan or unit?: No How did you find out about us?: Youtube If you were recruited by one of our members, who was it?: Why do you want to join the 15th MEU (SOC) Realism Unit?: Looking for a close-knit community group to play Arma with. I've been interested in getting into a milsim group that's reputable and well-organized. Are you a prior member of the 15th?: No If yes, what level of training did you complete?: Neither ArmA III Player ID: 76561198168803397 Steam Name: A Dusty Old Qrow Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198168803397/ Do you own ArmA III APEX?: Yes Please check your user profile and ensure that the email address you registered with is correct. Have you done this?: Yes Have you read and understood the definition of Realism Gaming and do you agree to abide by it?: Yes Have you read and understood the requirements for our unit and the criteria for being active and taking a billet in this unit and that failure to complete said criteria will place you into the reserve platoon?: Yes You understand the fact that this unit is a CST (GMT -6) time zone based unit, and the attendance requirements of operations on Sundays at 1900 CST (0100 GMT)?: Yes
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