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Everything posted by ODell

  1. This shit is confusing and I hate it. I'd like to know why why they moved away from modules.
  2. I didn't see a dang thing in regards of ACE in that link. Remember when the pub server only used basic bandage, morphine and epi.... That's what I want.
  3. I've also found this on the ACE3 site. Which I taken to make fix's to the long script/config that I pasted above. force ace_medical_AIDamageThreshold = 0.2; // Decreased AI damage threshold so AI dies in single headshot and few torso taps depending on vest force ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold = 3.5; // Increased damage threshold for players, high caliber weapons should still be fatal force ace_medical_bleedingCoefficient = 0.25; force ace_medical_fatalDamageSource = 1; // Sum of Trauma death condition force ace_medical_fractures = 0; // Disabled Fractures force ace_medical_limping = 0; // Disabled Limping force ace_medical_statemachine_fatalInjuriesPlayer = 2; // Disabled fatal injuries by damage to head or torso force ace_medical_treatment_advancedBandages = 0; // Disabled advanced bandages force ace_medical_treatment_advancedDiagnose = false; // Disabled advanced diagnose force ace_medical_treatment_advancedMedication = false; // Disabled advanced medication It's listed as the "Basic Preset" But there is another cluster of script called Preset 1. and this is it. force ace_medical_fatalDamageSource = 1; // Sum of Trauma death condition force ace_medical_AIDamageThreshold = 0.2; // Decreased AI damage threshold so AI dies in single headshot and few torso taps depending on vest force ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold = 3.5; // Increased damage threshold for players, high caliber weapons should still be fatal force ace_medical_bleedingCoefficient = 0.25; force ace_medical_spontaneousWakeUpChance = 0.85; // Stabilised players will wake up fast force ace_medical_spontaneousWakeUpEpinephrineBoost = 3; force ace_medical_statemachine_AIUnconsciousness = true; force ace_medical_statemachine_cardiacArrestTime = 630; with the "basic" code I'm still seeing abrasions and bruises in the medical menu. I just want to use basic bandages, morphone, and epi to wake up.
  4. I'm not really liking how the ACE team has moved from modules to the config/script set up we are faced with now. Makes things much more difficult to get set up. I'm trying to set up the basic medical system for some missions I've got in mind. I always start with the medical. But right now I'm hitting a brick wall. I've found this script/config on steam. // ACE Advanced Ballistics force ace_advanced_ballistics_ammoTemperatureEnabled = true; force ace_advanced_ballistics_barrelLengthInfluenceEnabled = true; force ace_advanced_ballistics_bulletTraceEnabled = true; force ace_advanced_ballistics_enabled = false; force ace_advanced_ballistics_muzzleVelocityVariationEnabled = true; force ace_advanced_ballistics_simulationInterval = 0.05; // ACE Advanced Fatigue force ace_advanced_fatigue_enabled = true; force ace_advanced_fatigue_enableStaminaBar = true; ace_advanced_fatigue_fadeStaminaBar = true; force ace_advanced_fatigue_loadFactor = 1; force ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor = 1; force ace_advanced_fatigue_recoveryFactor = 1; force ace_advanced_fatigue_swayFactor = 1; force ace_advanced_fatigue_terrainGradientFactor = 1; // ACE Advanced Throwing ace_advanced_throwing_enabled = true; force ace_advanced_throwing_enablePickUp = true; force ace_advanced_throwing_enablePickUpAttached = true; ace_advanced_throwing_showMouseControls = true; ace_advanced_throwing_showThrowArc = true; // ACE Arsenal force ace_arsenal_allowDefaultLoadouts = true; force ace_arsenal_allowSharedLoadouts = true; ace_arsenal_camInverted = false; force ace_arsenal_enableIdentityTabs = true; ace_arsenal_enableModIcons = true; ace_arsenal_EnableRPTLog = false; ace_arsenal_fontHeight = 4.5; // ACE Artillery force ace_artillerytables_advancedCorrections = false; force ace_artillerytables_disableArtilleryComputer = false; force ace_mk6mortar_airResistanceEnabled = false; force ace_mk6mortar_allowCompass = true; force ace_mk6mortar_allowComputerRangefinder = true; force ace_mk6mortar_useAmmoHandling = false; // ACE Captives force ace_captives_allowHandcuffOwnSide = true; force ace_captives_allowSurrender = true; force ace_captives_requireSurrender = 1; force ace_captives_requireSurrenderAi = false; // ACE Common force ace_common_allowFadeMusic = true; force ace_common_checkPBOsAction = 0; force ace_common_checkPBOsCheckAll = false; force ace_common_checkPBOsWhitelist = "[]"; ace_common_displayTextColor = [0,0,0,0.1]; ace_common_displayTextFontColor = [1,1,1,1]; ace_common_settingFeedbackIcons = 1; ace_common_settingProgressBarLocation = 0; force ace_noradio_enabled = true; ace_parachute_hideAltimeter = true; // ACE Cook off force ace_cookoff_ammoCookoffDuration = 1; force ace_cookoff_enable = 0; force ace_cookoff_enableAmmobox = true; force ace_cookoff_enableAmmoCookoff = true; force ace_cookoff_probabilityCoef = 1; // ACE Crew Served Weapons force ace_csw_ammoHandling = 2; force ace_csw_defaultAssemblyMode = false; ace_csw_dragAfterDeploy = false; force ace_csw_handleExtraMagazines = true; force ace_csw_progressBarTimeCoefficent = 1; // ACE Explosives force ace_explosives_explodeOnDefuse = true; force ace_explosives_punishNonSpecialists = true; force ace_explosives_requireSpecialist = false; // ACE Fragmentation Simulation force ace_frag_enabled = true; force ace_frag_maxTrack = 10; force ace_frag_maxTrackPerFrame = 10; force ace_frag_reflectionsEnabled = false; force ace_frag_spallEnabled = false; // ACE Goggles force ace_goggles_effects = 0; ace_goggles_showClearGlasses = false; force ace_goggles_showInThirdPerson = true; // ACE Hearing force ace_hearing_autoAddEarplugsToUnits = true; ace_hearing_disableEarRinging = false; force ace_hearing_earplugsVolume = 0.5; force ace_hearing_enableCombatDeafness = true; force ace_hearing_enabledForZeusUnits = true; force ace_hearing_unconsciousnessVolume = 0.4; // ACE Interaction force ace_interaction_disableNegativeRating = true; force ace_interaction_enableMagazinePassing = true; force ace_interaction_enableTeamManagement = true; // ACE Interaction Menu ace_gestures_showOnInteractionMenu = 2; ace_interact_menu_actionOnKeyRelease = true; ace_interact_menu_addBuildingActions = false; ace_interact_menu_alwaysUseCursorInteraction = false; ace_interact_menu_alwaysUseCursorSelfInteraction = false; ace_interact_menu_colorShadowMax = [0,0,0,1]; ace_interact_menu_colorShadowMin = [0,0,0,0.25]; ace_interact_menu_colorTextMax = [1,1,1,1]; ace_interact_menu_colorTextMin = [1,1,1,0.25]; ace_interact_menu_cursorKeepCentered = false; ace_interact_menu_cursorKeepCenteredSelfInteraction = false; ace_interact_menu_menuAnimationSpeed = 0; ace_interact_menu_menuBackground = 0; ace_interact_menu_menuBackgroundSelf = 0; ace_interact_menu_selectorColor = [1,0,0]; ace_interact_menu_shadowSetting = 2; ace_interact_menu_textSize = 2; ace_interact_menu_useListMenu = false; ace_interact_menu_useListMenuSelf = false; // ACE Logistics force ace_cargo_enable = true; force ace_cargo_loadTimeCoefficient = 5; force ace_cargo_paradropTimeCoefficent = 2.5; force ace_rearm_distance = 20; force ace_rearm_level = 0; force ace_rearm_supply = 0; force ace_refuel_hoseLength = 20.0155; force ace_refuel_rate = 10.0078; force ace_repair_addSpareParts = true; force ace_repair_autoShutOffEngineWhenStartingRepair = false; force ace_repair_consumeItem_toolKit = 0; ace_repair_displayTextOnRepair = true; force ace_repair_engineerSetting_fullRepair = 2; force ace_repair_engineerSetting_repair = 1; force ace_repair_engineerSetting_wheel = 0; force ace_repair_fullRepairLocation = 0; force ace_repair_fullRepairRequiredItems = ["ToolKit"]; force ace_repair_miscRepairRequiredItems = ["ToolKit"]; force ace_repair_repairDamageThreshold = 0.6; force ace_repair_repairDamageThreshold_engineer = 0.4; force ace_repair_wheelRepairRequiredItems = []; // ACE Magazine Repack force ace_magazinerepack_timePerAmmo = 1; force ace_magazinerepack_timePerBeltLink = 6.02325; force ace_magazinerepack_timePerMagazine = 1.30992; // ACE Map force ace_map_BFT_Enabled = true; force ace_map_BFT_HideAiGroups = false; force ace_map_BFT_Interval = 1; force ace_map_BFT_ShowPlayerNames = false; force ace_map_DefaultChannel = -1; force ace_map_mapGlow = true; force ace_map_mapIllumination = true; force ace_map_mapLimitZoom = false; force ace_map_mapShake = false; force ace_map_mapShowCursorCoordinates = false; ace_markers_moveRestriction = 0; // ACE Map Gestures ace_map_gestures_defaultColor = [1,0.88,0,0.7]; ace_map_gestures_defaultLeadColor = [1,0.88,0,0.95]; force ace_map_gestures_enabled = true; force ace_map_gestures_interval = 0.03; force ace_map_gestures_maxRange = 7; ace_map_gestures_nameTextColor = [0.2,0.2,0.2,0.3]; // ACE Map Tools ace_maptools_drawStraightLines = true; ace_maptools_rotateModifierKey = 1; // ACE Medical force ace_medical_ai_enabledFor = 0; force ace_medical_AIDamageThreshold = 0.7; force ace_medical_bleedingCoefficient = 1.04022; force ace_medical_blood_bloodLifetime = 187; force ace_medical_blood_enabledFor = 2; force ace_medical_blood_maxBloodObjects = 100; force ace_medical_fatalDamageSource = 1; force ace_medical_feedback_bloodVolumeEffectType = 0; force ace_medical_feedback_painEffectType = 0; force ace_medical_fractureChance = 0.195851; force ace_medical_fractures = 0; force ace_medical_gui_enableActions = 0; force ace_medical_gui_enableMedicalMenu = 1; force ace_medical_gui_enableSelfActions = true; force ace_medical_gui_maxDistance = 3; force ace_medical_gui_openAfterTreatment = true; force ace_medical_ivFlowRate = 1.57829; force ace_medical_limping = 1; force ace_medical_painCoefficient = 0.726364; force ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold = 7.6925; force ace_medical_spontaneousWakeUpChance = 1; force ace_medical_spontaneousWakeUpEpinephrineBoost = 25.2998; force ace_medical_statemachine_AIUnconsciousness = false; force ace_medical_statemachine_cardiacArrestTime = 852; force ace_medical_statemachine_fatalInjuriesAI = 0; force ace_medical_statemachine_fatalInjuriesPlayer = 2; force ace_medical_treatment_advancedBandages = 1; force ace_medical_treatment_advancedDiagnose = true; force ace_medical_treatment_advancedMedication = true; force ace_medical_treatment_allowLitterCreation = true; force ace_medical_treatment_allowSelfIV = 1; force ace_medical_treatment_allowSelfPAK = 0; force ace_medical_treatment_allowSelfStitch = 1; force ace_medical_treatment_allowSharedEquipment = 0; force ace_medical_treatment_clearTraumaAfterBandage = true; force ace_medical_treatment_consumePAK = 0; force ace_medical_treatment_consumeSurgicalKit = 0; force ace_medical_treatment_convertItems = 0; force ace_medical_treatment_cprSuccessChance = 0.794881; force ace_medical_treatment_holsterRequired = 0; force ace_medical_treatment_litterCleanupDelay = 272.619; force ace_medical_treatment_locationEpinephrine = 0; force ace_medical_treatment_locationPAK = 0; force ace_medical_treatment_locationsBoostTraining = false; force ace_medical_treatment_locationSurgicalKit = 2; force ace_medical_treatment_maxLitterObjects = 500; force ace_medical_treatment_medicEpinephrine = 0; force ace_medical_treatment_medicIV = 2; force ace_medical_treatment_medicPAK = 1; force ace_medical_treatment_medicSurgicalKit = 1; force ace_medical_treatment_timeCoefficientPAK = 1; // ACE Name Tags ace_nametags_defaultNametagColor = [0.77,0.51,0.08,1]; ace_nametags_nametagColorBlue = [0.67,0.67,1,1]; ace_nametags_nametagColorGreen = [0.67,1,0.67,1]; ace_nametags_nametagColorMain = [1,1,1,1]; ace_nametags_nametagColorRed = [1,0.67,0.67,1]; ace_nametags_nametagColorYellow = [1,1,0.67,1]; force ace_nametags_playerNamesMaxAlpha = 0.8; force ace_nametags_playerNamesViewDistance = 5; force ace_nametags_showCursorTagForVehicles = false; ace_nametags_showNamesForAI = false; ace_nametags_showPlayerNames = 1; ace_nametags_showPlayerRanks = true; ace_nametags_showSoundWaves = 1; ace_nametags_showVehicleCrewInfo = true; ace_nametags_tagSize = 2; // ACE Nightvision force ace_nightvision_aimDownSightsBlur = 1; force ace_nightvision_disableNVGsWithSights = false; force ace_nightvision_effectScaling = 1; force ace_nightvision_fogScaling = 1; force ace_nightvision_noiseScaling = 1; ace_nightvision_shutterEffects = true; // ACE Overheating ace_overheating_displayTextOnJam = true; force ace_overheating_enabled = true; force ace_overheating_overheatingDispersion = true; ace_overheating_showParticleEffects = true; ace_overheating_showParticleEffectsForEveryone = false; force ace_overheating_unJamFailChance = 0.1; force ace_overheating_unJamOnreload = true; // ACE Pointing force ace_finger_enabled = true; ace_finger_indicatorColor = [1,0,0,0.938361]; ace_finger_indicatorForSelf = true; force ace_finger_maxRange = 9.97189; // ACE Pylons force ace_pylons_enabledForZeus = true; force ace_pylons_enabledFromAmmoTrucks = true; force ace_pylons_rearmNewPylons = false; force ace_pylons_requireEngineer = false; force ace_pylons_requireToolkit = true; force ace_pylons_searchDistance = 15; force ace_pylons_timePerPylon = 5; // ACE Quick Mount force ace_quickmount_distance = 3; force ace_quickmount_enabled = true; ace_quickmount_enableMenu = 3; ace_quickmount_priority = 0; force ace_quickmount_speed = 18; // ACE Respawn force ace_respawn_removeDeadBodiesDisconnected = true; force ace_respawn_savePreDeathGear = false; // ACE Scopes force ace_scopes_correctZeroing = true; force ace_scopes_deduceBarometricPressureFromTerrainAltitude = false; force ace_scopes_defaultZeroRange = 100; force ace_scopes_enabled = true; force ace_scopes_forceUseOfAdjustmentTurrets = false; force ace_scopes_overwriteZeroRange = false; force ace_scopes_simplifiedZeroing = false; ace_scopes_useLegacyUI = false; force ace_scopes_zeroReferenceBarometricPressure = 1013.25; force ace_scopes_zeroReferenceHumidity = 0; force ace_scopes_zeroReferenceTemperature = 15; // ACE Spectator force ace_spectator_enableAI = false; ace_spectator_maxFollowDistance = 5; force ace_spectator_restrictModes = 0; force ace_spectator_restrictVisions = 0; // ACE Switch Units force ace_switchunits_enableSafeZone = true; force ace_switchunits_enableSwitchUnits = false; force ace_switchunits_safeZoneRadius = 100; force ace_switchunits_switchToCivilian = false; force ace_switchunits_switchToEast = false; force ace_switchunits_switchToIndependent = false; force ace_switchunits_switchToWest = false; // ACE Uncategorized force ace_fastroping_requireRopeItems = false; force ace_gforces_enabledFor = 1; force ace_hitreactions_minDamageToTrigger = 0.1; ace_inventory_inventoryDisplaySize = 0; force ace_laser_dispersionCount = 2; force ace_microdagr_mapDataAvailable = 2; force ace_microdagr_waypointPrecision = 3; ace_optionsmenu_showNewsOnMainMenu = true; force ace_overpressure_distanceCoefficient = 1; ace_tagging_quickTag = 1; // ACE User Interface force ace_ui_allowSelectiveUI = true; ace_ui_ammoCount = false; ace_ui_ammoType = true; ace_ui_commandMenu = true; ace_ui_firingMode = true; ace_ui_groupBar = false; ace_ui_gunnerAmmoCount = true; ace_ui_gunnerAmmoType = true; ace_ui_gunnerFiringMode = true; ace_ui_gunnerLaunchableCount = true; ace_ui_gunnerLaunchableName = true; ace_ui_gunnerMagCount = true; ace_ui_gunnerWeaponLowerInfoBackground = true; ace_ui_gunnerWeaponName = true; ace_ui_gunnerWeaponNameBackground = true; ace_ui_gunnerZeroing = true; ace_ui_magCount = true; ace_ui_soldierVehicleWeaponInfo = true; ace_ui_staminaBar = true; ace_ui_stance = true; ace_ui_throwableCount = true; ace_ui_throwableName = true; ace_ui_vehicleAltitude = true; ace_ui_vehicleCompass = true; ace_ui_vehicleDamage = true; ace_ui_vehicleFuelBar = true; ace_ui_vehicleInfoBackground = true; ace_ui_vehicleName = true; ace_ui_vehicleNameBackground = true; ace_ui_vehicleRadar = true; ace_ui_vehicleSpeed = true; ace_ui_weaponLowerInfoBackground = true; ace_ui_weaponName = true; ace_ui_weaponNameBackground = true; ace_ui_zeroing = true; // ACE Vehicle Lock force ace_vehiclelock_defaultLockpickStrength = 10; force ace_vehiclelock_lockVehicleInventory = false; force ace_vehiclelock_vehicleStartingLockState = -1; // ACE Vehicles ace_vehicles_hideEjectAction = true; force ace_vehicles_keepEngineRunning = false; ace_vehicles_speedLimiterStep = 5; // ACE View Distance Limiter force ace_viewdistance_enabled = true; force ace_viewdistance_limitViewDistance = 10000; ace_viewdistance_objectViewDistanceCoeff = 0; ace_viewdistance_viewDistanceAirVehicle = 0; ace_viewdistance_viewDistanceLandVehicle = 0; ace_viewdistance_viewDistanceOnFoot = 0; // ACE Weapons ace_common_persistentLaserEnabled = false; force ace_laserpointer_enabled = true; ace_reload_displayText = true; ace_reload_showCheckAmmoSelf = false; ace_weaponselect_displayText = true; // ACE Weather force ace_weather_enabled = true; ace_weather_showCheckAirTemperature = true; force ace_weather_updateInterval = 60; force ace_weather_windSimulation = true; // ACE Wind Deflection force ace_winddeflection_enabled = true; force ace_winddeflection_simulationInterval = 0.05; force ace_winddeflection_vehicleEnabled = true; // ACE Zeus force ace_zeus_autoAddObjects = false; force ace_zeus_canCreateZeus = -1; force ace_zeus_radioOrdnance = false; force ace_zeus_remoteWind = false; force ace_zeus_revealMines = 0; force ace_zeus_zeusAscension = false; force ace_zeus_zeusBird = false; I've changed these settings to what I think would help me. But in the editor, no deuce. As far as I know the settings should take place when you click ok, but for some reason. I still see bruise and abrasions and such. Can someone help me out or something, would be great. Thanks in advance!
  5. I don't pay attention to video military lingo for that reason. I spent 7 years in Army Cadets. So army terms were drilled into my head. We had a couple reservists support us and they would catch on the "Repeat" thing. No one wants to make it rain again on the last given coords.
  6. I learned by movies and watching combat footage. There’s a large number of videos on YouTube where you can hear military chatter. Like the others said. Short and sweet, and simple. Learn phonetic and other pro words. It also doesn’t hurt to write things down before talking over the net.
  7. Application View Application Status ODell Submitted 04/28/2020 02:15 PM Last Name ODell Email tehrealmikey@gmail.com Timezone America/New_York Country Canada Additional Application Fields First Name Michael Middle Name Joseph Discord Name OsarMike#9096 Age 27 Did a 15th Member either help you get into the unit or recruit you? A few tried Desired MOS 0311 Rifleman How long have you been playing ArmA III? 11 years Are you currently in an ArmA III gaming clan or unit? No How did you find out about us? Jester814 Why do you want to join the 15th MEU (SOC) Realism Unit? I'm a regular in the public server. And I've joined a couple of times. But had to drop out shortly after due to living situations. But now I'm a free man and decided to join my friends. Prior 15th Member? No Highest Level Completed Recruit Training ArmA III Player ID 76561198044045600 Steam Name OscarMike Steam Profile Link http://steamcommunity.com/id/RealOscarMike Do you own ArmA III APEX? Yes Please check your user profile and ensure that the email address you registered with is correct. Have you done this? Yes Have you read and understood the definition of Realism Gaming and do you agree to abide by it? Yes Have you read and understood the requirements for our unit and the criteria for being active and taking a billet in this unit, and that failure to complete said criteria will place you into the reserve platoon? Yes Do you understand the fact that this unit is a CST (GMT -6) time zone based unit, and the attendance requirements of operations on Sundays at 1900 CST (0100 GMT)? Yes
  8. Something I forgot to mention. Perhaps next time we could brief in game. HQ, to team leads, so on so forth. As I don’t recall a formal briefing.
  9. We don't all make it home.
  10. Thanks for all the likes on the cinematic Shots guys. Glad you all like them. More to come!

  11. Thanks man! Glad you all like them. Don’t worry. Many to come. Gonna work on a couple tonight. A few for taking over Altis on the server and another 2. But I’m keeping it a secret. You’ll see tonight or tomorrow.
  12. During Operation Silver Tiger. I was blown up twice. The first time I took the full force of an IED. So I thought I was recreate it.
  13. I think we narrowed it down to the server running extra mods. Or someone getting on the server with extra mods. Cause I ran the same mods I was running during the public Op. And I was getting the mismatch. It's got nothing to do with ACE. It was CUP's and achilles, and I don't even have achilles installed.
  14. A recreation of the dismounted patrol through the city on our way to the first HVT.
  15. I believe something was mangled when you enabled the PBO checked. I loaded up the same mods I had on last night during the operation. and now I'm getting ACE Mismatch and a line of code mentioning something about CUP_Dubbing_Radio_EN and something about Achilles_data_f_ares. There is a couple more Dubbing_Radio codes in there, but for different language. This is getting annoying. I have the same ACE as the server. Nothing was touched between now and 2pm yesterday afternoon.
  16. Yes I do. I think I was recently in contact with the unit twitter. --> TheRealOscarMike
  17. @Sgt ZahjJust link me where ever you post it. Thanks bud!
  18. @Sgt Zahj By all means do it up! For any of them I've uploaded. Anyone could use them for a youtube thumbnail as well.
  19. Considering I was hit by a mortar... That landed directly on top of me when I was trying to get the attention of Takbir. I got creative with this one.
  20. I don't have permission to view that link. Space the link or something.
  21. in light of the operation that was conducted on 22/06/19 on the public server. I've been inspired to recreate some shots of the last stand with multiple poses. Will be recreating some more. Standby.
  22. I spy with my grunt eyes. Spartan up on the hill top taking lives.
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