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We're bringing in the heat with the capture of Kavala and the outlying cities and towns!  Happening this Saturday the 13th at 1800CST, everyone is invited to join us and feel free and bring your friends!



Date: 07/13/2024

Time: 1800CST

Terrain: Various of hills and Valleys

Weather:  Unknown

Sign up Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19GVS7UGzuiZPUr81rpmyaGAx1n7JonnsVSV2R6h146M/edit?usp=sharing



Hostile forces are at full capacity, our enemy is ready to fight and push us back.  Taking the city of Kavala will give us full control of the Southwestern side of Altis.  Hostile forces have been probing the Northern and Eastern most controlled Blufor territories lately.  We are tasked with inserting into AO Thor to flush out the enemy.


It is the mission of 1st platoon and it's combined arms assets to fully flush out AO Thor within a timely manner.


Phase 1.)  The Assembly Phase Members will meet in TS prior to loading in.  It will be expected of leadership billets to help assist in the planning for the operation, so it would be wise to show up early prior to the operation.  Once all members are accounted for, we will begin the step off process such as grabbing our gear and prepping the vehicles. 

Phase 2.)  Movement Phase Once our insertion plan is designed we will begin our step off either via air assets or via ground vehicles by land or sea.  Members will then begin to stage for the assault. 


Phase 3.)  The Attack Once we begin our movements onto the objective our assault will have begun and we will be pushing from objective to objective in an organized fashion.\


Phase 4.)  Debrief The final phase will be us conducting our debrief and returning to FOB Alpha for repair, recovery, and finalization of the operation.   


Admin and Logistics:

Standard Public Server mods will be used, be sure to take off ACE Pharmacy and replace it with KAT Medical! 
We will be using standard loadouts from the 15th's arsenal to keep uniformity and to stick with a theme.

The following will be the basics within each loadout such as Weapons, Uniform, and Packs.



Leadership PC, SL, ASL, TL - Weapon (M27 IAR or M4 w/203) Uniform (Marpat WD) Packs Coyote variant packs of modern look

Rifleman - Weapon (M27 IAR or M4) Uniform (Marpat WD) Packs Coyote variant packs of modern look

Auto Rifleman - Weapon (M249 SAW or M27 IAR) Uniform (Marpat WD) Packs Coyote variant packs of modern look

Assistant AR - Weapon  (M27 IAR or M4) Uniform (Marpat WD) Packs Coyote variant packs of modern look

Weapons Team:

Leadership - Weapon (M27 IAR or M4 w/203) Uniform (Marpat WD) Packs Coyote variant packs of modern look

Machine Gunner - Weapon (M240B or G) Uniform (Marpat WD) Packs Coyote variant packs of modern look

Ammo Bearer - Weapon (M27 IAR or M4) Uniform (Marpat WD) Packs Coyote variant packs of modern look

Charlie Company:

Leadership - Weapon (M4 and / or M9) Uniform (Coveralls) Packs (Battle Belt)

Crewman - Weapon (M4 and / or M9) Uniform (Coveralls) Packs (Battle Belt)

Aviation Element:

All - Weapon (M9) Uniform (USN Pilot Suits) Packs (Battle Belt)


Prior Logistics will be taken care of prior to operation to accommodate for attending members. 



Standard 15th Smoke Signals

White - Concealment 

Green - Friendly 

Red - Enemy 

Orange - Shift / Lift / Special

Purple - Mass Casualty

Blue - Loss of Leadership / Comms

Yellow - Demolitions 


Radio Plan:

             ANPRC 152

HQ Net = CH 05

Raider 1 = CH 11

Charlie Co = Ch 50 



CTAF = CH 92


           ANPRC 343

Raider 1-1 = 2-1

Raider 1-1-A = 2-2

Raider 1-1-B = 2-3

Raider 1-1-C = 2-4


Raider 1-2 = 3-1

Raider 1-2-A = 3-2

Raider 1-2-B = 3-3

Raider 1-2-C = 3-4


Raider 1-3 = 4-1

Raider 1-3-A = 4-2

Raider 1-3-B = 4-3

Raider 1-3-C = 4-4


Raider 4-1 = 5-1

Raider 4-1-A = 5-2

Raider 4-1-B = 5-3

Raider 4-1-C = 5-4

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respectfully requesting 1-1-A rifleman role please.


question: can we stream this?

if game crash are we allowed back on the server again?

are we allowed to use ironsights?



Edited by dukenukem
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