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Mod Name: Isla Abramia, Lingor/Dingor, Virolahti


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The maps listed above are or have previously been a part of the Public Server's map rotation. Isla Abramia and Lingor/Dingor were pulled previously for gamemode updates that were never completed. While Virolahti has not originally been a part of the rotation, due to unit operation use, this map still occupies the server's current map list. Our current '5' map rotation is starting to impact community interest in the server as there is little diversity.

All maps have actively updated Liberation templates that are game ready.

Respectfully submitting,
Sgt Glenn, J.


Edited by Sgt J. Glenn
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  • 15th 2
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I think this could also be a great addition to the pub server as the pub server is supposed to be the main way to get more people into the unit this could help solve the drought we seem to be facing currently. 

  • 15th 1
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I agree, I've modified Isla Abramia and Lingor's templates so they should be a bit better on the server however without being able to see them in action with more than 2-3 people I cannot see where all the problem areas are to work on. Virolahti was a template I got set up for us so we could have more to do and that was one of the most requested when I asked around. These all are in the github repo that @ 2ndLt J. Lane  has and I'm willing to continue working on them to make them viable for the server and not cause lag due to many areas being active at once. Also after seeing how much people liked Chernarus Winter I will see about getting a Dingor to 2ndLt J. Lane so we can have a bit more variety.

Edited by 2ndLt Norwood
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Respectfully request these maps be considered for addition to the public liberation server map rotation
Sgt Kris
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  On 8/15/2023 at 12:51 PM, LCpl Hancock said:

Can we get better inventory whitelisted?


All our approved client-side mods are on the Public Server, check this link for the full lineup.


Edited by Sgt J. Glenn
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  On 8/14/2023 at 7:59 PM, SSgt E. Higgins said:

Is lythium possible as well?


I had tried to mess with it and the map as a whole would need to be Rebuilt removing any and all JBAD items and hoping it would work. You would more or less need to Rebuild the Map from the ground up or load it with out JBADs if possible and replace stuff that's missing with stuff from our Mod Pack or Vanilla Arma assets and Hope that we are even allowed to do that. It sucks cause that is a Often requested Map. We could do a test run to see if the problem with our Mod Pack still persists but its highly Likely it will.

Edited by Cpl Romanova
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