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I was very surprised when I looked in this thread and saw that this hasn't already been posted. This has been a thing for as long as I remember, and although I'm not currently an active member, I thought it'd be awesome to see this fun little tradition continue.


Visitors to our forum-


It has been a time honored tradition that during the deployment cycle the troops of the 15th MEU Realism Unit write letters to loved ones detailing missions, activities and thoughts as if they were away from home for the 6-7 months of a typical MEU deployment. This helps with the immersion of the deployment cycle and has, at times been very humorous for members and at times very realistic as they sometimes reflect actual content of letters written from real service members when they were deployed into harms way. 


These letters have, over the last few deployments been posted in the more public area of our forum to allow the casual visitor the chance to get a glimpse of what goes on in a realism unit of our size during the deployment cycle. This thread will be the "Post Office" for our deployment which begins today.


If you wish to become part of the unit after reading some of these posts or watching some of our videos, don't hesitate to hit the join button, We are always recruiting.

Edited by HM1 (FMF) Lockworth
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HM1 (FMF) Lockworth

Reserves, India Company

FPO San Diego, CA 92102




I'll attempt to keep this short. As you know, the active portion of my contract has been up roughly a year and I've been a reserve sailor. But as tensions strengthen, I'm sorry to say that I'll be deploying with the 15th MEU once again. I know I promised that I wouldn't throw myself into harms way again, but with the call for experienced marines and sailors to fill in some of the missing ranks of the company, I have no choice but to do my part. We are currently on the ship ready to invade the place we've been sent to. Since I'm not currently briefed on how much information I can share in this letter, I will leave it at that. You're in my prayers, and I ask that I'm in yours, as I once again need to use this old hands to keep these relatively new marines safe. 


After the action that is soon to follow tonight, I'll follow up with a longer letter about what's going on and why I'm here. Along with how things go tonight. I'd love to hear from you soon. How's Koby and Claudia? I hope the old gang is doing alright.


Much love,




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Maj Johansen, D.
Aviation Combat Element HQ, 15th MEU (SOC)
FPO San Diego, CA 92102
[Actual Danish letter]


Det er omkring 2 måneder siden vi sidst så ved Leons begravelse. Du har måske spekuleret på, hvor jeg var gået til, da jeg ikke dukkede op på familiens herregård til at sørge sammen.
Vores far ved det, da han gav dig dette brev og sidder ved siden af dig, eller det håber jeg igennem disse vanskelige tider. Selvom jeg ikke kan fortælle dig eller andre nøjagtigt hvor jeg er, er det i øjeblikket i en anden del af verden, der prøver at gøre disse vanskelige tider lidt lettere for dem, der har brug for det. Endnu mere end dig eller mig på trods af hvor svært det kan være at tro

Jeg forstår, at dette ikke var den bedste tidpunkt for os, og jeg ved at du ville have brug for mere af din familie omkring dig mere end nogensinde. Som de gange, hvor du bad mig om at holde øje med dig, mens du sov og din mor arbejdede. Jeg er villig til at gå gennem verden for at beskytte dig, uanset hvad du har brug for. Selvom du hurtigt er ved at blive en ung kvinde i de hurtige kommende ungdomsår, og storebror ikke kan være der for dig hver gang mere. Helvede i betragtning af hvor sur du kan blive, så er det nok dine forældre der har brug for hjælp

Hvad jeg vil love dig, når jeg vender tilbage, og det gør jeg, besøger vi Leon's grav sammen og gør, som han viste os, hvad vi skulle gøre oftere som familie
Indtil da Firehawk, jeg har brug for at du er tålmodig og kigger væk fra eventuelle nyheder om den igangværende konflikt. Jeg vil ikke have at du skal se, hvad jeg har set. Lov mig

Jeg elsker dig,
Din storebror,

[English Translation]

It's been about 2 months since we last saw at Leons burial. You may have wondered where I had gone to when I didn't show up at the families manor to mourn together. 
Our father knows as he gave you this letter and are sitting next to you or so I hope throught these difficult times. While I can't tell you or others precisely where I am, it's currently in a different part of the world trying to make those difficult times a little bit easier for those that need it. Even more than you or I despite how hard that may be to believe

I understand this wasn't the best timing for us and I know you would need more of your family around you more than ever. Like the times when you asked me to watch over you while you slept and your mother worked. I'm willing to go through the world to protect you no matter what you need. Though you are rapidly becoming young woman in those rapid approaching teenage years and big brother can't be there for you everytime anymore. Hell considering your fire it's properly your parents that's going to need that help

What I will promise you when I return, and I will, we are going to visit Leon grave together and do as he showed us what we should do more often as family
Until then firehawk, I need you to be patient and look away from any news shows about the ongoing conflict. I do not want you to see what I have seen. Promise me

I love you,

Your big brother,

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  • 2 months later...

Dear Aaron,


   Im sorry I havent written, its been a tornado since we saw land on the horizon. Before I stepped off I told you how I was going to apply for that Team Lead position in weapons and well, I got it. It was rough having to orient with my team on the boat here, but I feel I'm starting to fall into my place as their leader. 


   It started out pretty docile here.. small groups of civilians with AKs and a dream, but now.. it's hard to tell what to make of it.. things are rough.. we got hit hard the other week and we're still reeling.. we're all a little spooked at what happened.. I wish I could talk about it more openly but im writing this in my bunk and not certain what is public knowledge. It's too late to ask anyone that would know anyway, and the chopper takes the mail in the morning. Once I know more I'll fill you in, I'm sure you'll help me make heads or tails of it.. you always had a knack for keeping me centered. 


   I know its rough without me there, but I know you can do this, I've seen how powerful you are. And dont go worrying about me to much either. I'm in a weapons team, were on a hill in the back line and someone is always watching out for us, it's not the days of WW2 where being a machine gunner had a 1 fire fight life expectancy. I'll come home, dont you fret it one bit. Anyway it's getting late, and I have morning guard.. I love you, give the cats some love from me.


Thinking of you always, 


Edited by Cpl Baumgartner
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Yeah, the news is pretty right, there's a lot of stuff blowing up over here, but thankfully none of it's been me so far. I keep my head down and carry on, and everything sorta seems to fall into place, which isn't too bad. This place is killing me though, like 80% of this country is marshland so there's bugs everywhere, and I think parts of me itch that I didn't know existed before. Oh, and send hot sauce and other things I can drown my tastebuds with please, because the food is like chemically processed clay. Say hi to the dog for me.



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Hey pops writing to let you know I'm well. The past 2 months have been increasingly ramping up, but I'm happy to say my boys in 2-1 have been holding there own. These guys watch out for me and I watch out for them. We've had a few guys take some rounds but nothing I couldn't patch up. This country would honestly be beautiful if not for the it turning into a battlefield. Do me a favor and stay away from the news, it'll only make you worry more and I don't know how much I'll be able to write as our deployment goes on. Say hi to everyone for me no doubt you're reading this out loud to everyone the next time the family gets together. Love you all and I'll be home when we get the job done. 


Semper Fi Marine,



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     It's been a rough time since I took over the squad, we've had a lot of stuff happen, and more to come i'm sure. I'm safe for now, i'm sure the news that you are hearing is pretty bad. Thanks for the care package by the way, I just ran out of lighter fluid, and i'll make sure to pass around the jerky you sent. Speaking of food, boy do I miss yours. Thank Kayla for the blanket and stuffed animal, that lil gal sure likes to watch out for me, doesn't she? Well tell her big bro will be home soon, and we'll go for rides on my motorcycle when I get back. In your last letter, you said that gramps died. Guess the cancer finally got to him, pretty sad I didn't get to see him before we shipped out or before he passed. He was a great man, and I'll miss him a shit ton. I still remember him teaching me how to trap shoot for the first time, way back when? Was it September, back in middle school. I remember my shoulder was numb half way through shooting, barely able to hold that ole break action of his. Yet he still brought me shells and clays so we kept popping till I couldn't even close the action. We are on land now, I can't tell you where or too much more about it, but yeah. I miss you guys a ton and really hope we can go home soon.



Edited by Sgt Q. Robertson
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I hope this reaches you and baby A well. We just got back into the wire from a humanitarian aid patrol, nothing much happens to us out here, but I'm sure you've seen the news, most of the action is happening further away from base, we tend to just bring food and medical supplies to the civilians in the surrounding area, my team hasn't even fired our M240 in country yet. By the way, the guys loved those brownies you sent, I could tell cause I only got one. Next time you see my mom, give her a hug for me, and tell Dad everything is alright here, it ain't like back in Iraq when he was there. Tell your dad he needs to sell that POS F-150, he's been working on that thing for over a year now, buy a Chevrolet. I got the email you sent me right before we left the ship of A's first steps, I should be home by her birthday, and don't worry about painting her room, I'll take care of it when I get back, but can we decide on something different than pink? 


I miss you both with all my heart darlin', and I hope we can wrap this up quick so we can get back home soon.


Your loving Husband,



Edited by Cpl J. Dolan
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  • 3 months later...



Hey brat, I’m coming home!  After months of grueling training and intense combat I’m finally coming home.  Can’t wait to eat some of Nanay’s meatloaf, MRE’s are... well let’s say they aren’t the best things in the world.  I miss you guys, and I hope you’re doing well.  I know Kuya graduated boot camp a few weeks back, did you guys get to attend his graduation or did Covid mess all that up?  Let me know what’s happening at home!  Man I remember when I graduated, proudest moments of my life.  Couldn’t imagine you guys not being there.


Miss y’all,

Middle child

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