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  3. @ Sgt M. Chavez That page is currently being worked on, on the development page, you are currently listed. On your end, you are correct in you are not listed. Please click on your rank below your username on your post, or click on your rank at the top right of the website. Or click the link below. Your PERSCOM Profile Marking as closed if no other questions.
  4. Forums -> Perscomm -> Personnel Files -> I am not listed anywhere, not active, not reserves, not retired. Because of the change to my billet as S-2 Intel Analyst, I am no longer able to see my perscomm file.
  5. https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/26680694104215-How-to-Fix-Phone-Errors-on-Discord#:~:text=If you are encountering an,in order to use it.
  6. @ Sgt M. Chavez Please be specific, where are you not listed. Medals aren't added to PERSCOM, except FMF which is a qualification.
  7. Hi, I just recently joined the unit but it won't let me talk in the discord until I verify my phone number. I've only ever had this one account, and I've never linked my phone number to anything before. It just keeps saying "This number cannot be associated with this account". Any way around this???
  8. Earlier
  9. Hey, Noticed that I am not currently listed anywhere on the perscom personnel files since S-2 was made a full time billet. Are there any plans to add S-Shop personnel to the lists? I want to remind myself of all my medals and whatnot.
  10. Gonna post some old screenshots and future one's here from now on. First one, SOI day three I believe, Circa 8/23/2019 @ HMC (FMF) (Ret) T. Savage in the same class First Op as a FTL, didn't even make it to PFC yet. me and @ SSgt Reep as FTL's after coming up in 2-1-A together. First fun OP I ever participated in, was super fun, got to meet a bunch of awesome dude's. Will post more as I find more hidden.
  11. Figured I would post some old clips from back in the day. Will start using this thread again for Reforger.
  12. Gamer Name: SgtHOPPE Date of Ban: sometime around DEC 1ST ArmA, Teamspeak, or Both?: ARMA REFORGER ArmA ID: 4373dd37-35de-43d1-b3b5-05d063d0122c I think that's it Reason for Ban: NOT SURE Comments: I'd like to appeal my ban because I don't believe it's correct. I'm assuming it had to do with a miscommunication. There was a guy shooting in my direct vicinity and I launched a couple rockets at him. He was 2 or 3 hundred yards away. I do not believe my rockets made contact with him. And I was then told he was a friendly, so I stopped. Roughly 10minutes later, from the same position, he sniped me in the back. I tried communicating with him but I did not get any verbal or movement response from him, so I carried on with the war.
  13. im having issues getting it to pop up in the server browser (EDIT: it finally showed.) XDXDXD
  14. Good evening Gents! Its amazing to see that the 15th MEU is still rolling along so strong. My name is McMichael and I was with the unit way back in 2011-2012(Emerald Beacon days if anyone here remembers that deployment). So its been a hot minute. After I left the unit I joined the actual Marines for 5 years and then rolled right along into college and grad school, so for the last decade I have not had much time to dedicate to games like this. Now that I have a consistent job and some more time on my hands, I've realized how much I miss the community AND the joys of sending hate downrange. I wanted to reach out and see about coming back as a reservist for now! But i also realize its quite literally a new game since I last played, And I don't know if we keep records that far back. So I guess I wanted to reach out and see If i could get some guidance on if i should submit a new application as if I'm joining for the first time, Or as a returning member. If any of you fine gentleman could point me in the right direction I would truly appreciate it. Thanks again in advance!(Also sorry if there was a better forum to post this haha) P.S. I think I was a PFC still maybe got to Lance When i got out of the unit. Semper Fi
  15. Hello, All i am new here
  16. I am also having this problem, which is real unfortunate with all the S-Shops that I have since most of them require alot of private messaging.
  17. Recently, I have discovered that when I get a PM on the forums it no longer sends a notification to my email as well. The last time I received the notification was on the 14th, and speaking to one other they last saw a notification in their email on the 15th. I have double checked the account settings and my email there is correct and the setting to send me email notifications is active.
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